The Four Corner Drill w Bill Hillmann

The 4 Corner Drill is designed for a 6 mo old retriever (Rainbow) …one who has started focusing on where she is going, taking some beginning casts, doing some obedience. Am trying to combine all these things into a drill. Because the temperature is hot it has to be something that has to happen fast. AKC Retriever Field Trial Accomplishments of Bill Hillmann: Videos:​ Blog:

Is Force Fetch using ear pinch correct for every type of dog

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Bill states, “One of the reasons I make videos is because my mission is to get people to train their own dogs. So I’m always interested in amateur trainers that do train their own dog. Today Pam Wilson comes as she’s had an issue w one of her puppies, Worthy. She is a true amateur in every sense and has been very competitive, she is a fine trainer, and I’m very proud of her. My force fetch method is in the video called FETCH COMMAND available at
Worthy – – – My Rock’s Worthy to be Chosen 1 Thessalonians 2:12 We encouraged, comforted and implored each one of you to walk worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. Videos & DVDs: Blog: To SUBSCRIBE TO RUMBLE go to –

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How to get the proper position online … Seeing every bird –

with BillHillmann

When going to line and once online this lesson is about where to stand so your dog has the best advantage on a multiple mark; how to give your dog the best chance to succeed. NEW on http://BILLHILLMANN.NET is One-On-One Video Coaching. It’s designed for one who needs help w their dog on a regular basis, or they wish personal coaching for that dog. The owner/trainer sends Bill a short video taken w the phone and he evaluates it giving tips on how to continue, or how to get out of a problem or how to proceed. The details are there on the website. It’s a valuable tool if you wish to go forward especially if you are in competition or somewhat isolated and don’t have a knowledgeable person to critique you, with advise on how to proceed. Videos & DVDs: Blog:


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